Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

like they’re “not getting it.” If your prevailing thoughts are, I’m not
sure she’s ready, guess what? It’s going to look like she’s not ready or
“not getting it.” Expectations and, therefore, outcomes will be very
unclear. She’ll be getting mixed messages from you, and they will
confuse her. She won’t have the words to say, “Hey, Mom, I’m getting
two different things from you right now. I’m not sure what I’m doing
here.” Instead, she just “won’t get it” as far as the potty training goes.
If your mouth is saying one thing and your heart is saying another,
she will be confused. Make sense?
Now for a few major modern-day issues that need to be addressed.
These aren’t questions and answers, per se, but addressing these issues
is definitely in the “get your head screwed on tight” category.

Nix the Facebook status. For now.

For the love of all that is holy, please do not post on Facebook that
you are starting potty training. When you are done, post away. Make
it your status every day for a freaking year, if you want! But if you
post about starting potty training, you will immediately get at least
thirty-four comments from all kinds of “experts.” I’m really glad your
best friend used candy to potty train her kid, but you know better.
Well-meaning friends are going fill you with doubt. If you are
experiencing troubles or doubts or just want to bitch, join us on the
Oh Crap! Potty Training Facebook page, where you’ll find like-
minded mamas and lots of good support. Don’t expect that on your
personal Facebook page.

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