Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

have the dang pants mess your child up!
This is also a good time to start really fostering some
independence and setting some expectations. Have a set chore for
your child, like putting his dish in the sink after dinner. This makes
your child feel big and independent, but also envelops him in a
feeling of being part of the whole. They love having and knowing
their place in your home.


This is a doozy!
Please be sure your partner is on board with this whole process.
This is easier if you get them on board before you begin. At the end of
the book, there is a “Dad’s Cheat Sheet.” I’m saying “dads” for
majority, but other moms, partners, or anyone else who shares
caregiving fit in this category. This can include moms if Dad is the
primary caregiver.
Now, I want to be super clear here. I am making some huge
generalizations based on my work in the real world. This entire
section is not meant to alienate any partners who are reading this. If
you are reading this, you are awesome. I’ve been told some dads feel
left out and pandered to in this chapter, and I apologize. Please
realize there are masses of dads who aren’t fully engaged in parenting.
It’s been such a problem in the past that I simply can’t leave it
without addressing it. Thank you for your understanding.
Some partners really love reading the book and getting involved,
and some don’t. A really good sign your partner isn’t on board is if

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