Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

can’t handle the extra intake. Just give normal amounts of liquid to
these little ones.
The idea behind the extra fluid is to get a bit of practice in.
Normally, your child may pee around five times a day. We want to
bump that up a bit, just temporarily.
A word of caution: if your child is sucking down fluids—I mean,
like a ridiculous amount—it will backfire on you. His system will be
so out of whack that he won’t be able to do any serious learning. If
this starts to happen, slow down with the extra liquid.
Elisa’s mom, a former client, contacted me almost in tears. The
first day of potty training, Elisa went gangbusters on the fluids and
pretty much was peeing as she was drinking. While it made for a
funny visual, this is too much liquid. Look for the happy medium. We
want more fluid than usual, but not tons. All we are looking for is pee
Now, let me assure you, this is going to be the most exhausting day
of your life. No, I’m serious. Your job today is to do nothing but watch
your child. If this sounds unbearable, remember the pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow! Still, I cannot stress this enough: TODAY YOU
Have fun projects planned. Play trains and dolls and puzzles.
Watch videos, read stories, dance around naked. Let the dishes go,
don’t vacuum or dust, don’t do laundry. You will be on your child like
white on rice. No computer! Don’t get on the phone! Don’t read a
magazine or book!
I can’t tell you how many parents tell me it went wrong from the
first day. “She just peed on the floor.” I’ll go through the day with
them and learn that Mom just “had to” get on the phone because of

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