Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Factors in Determining the Child’s Best


The majority (an estimated 90%) of custody cases
are settled according to parents’ wishes. The court
will accept whatever parents agree on. This process
has been criticized because it does not necessarily en-
sure the child’s best interest. Critics point out that this
procedure may be especially harmful to children if vi-
olence exists in the family; the terms of the agreement
may not necessarily be fair but may be coerced and
may prolong the child’s exposure to violence. When
parents cannot agree, the court tries to evaluate the
best interests of the child, considering the following

  • The parent-child relationship. It has been rec-
    ommended that young children be placed with
    their ‘‘primary caregiver’’ to minimize disrup-
    tion for the child. Fathers have protested that
    this standard favors mothers. In response, sup-
    porters of this standard have suggested that it
    provides an incentive for fathers to be involved
    in their children’s upbringing from the begin-

  • The wishes of the child. Whether to consider the
    wishes of the child is controversial and varies
    from state to state. There is a concern that chil-
    dren may not know what is in their best interests
    and may even pick the worst parent just because
    he or she is more permissive. A further concern
    is that letting the child choose will induce guilt
    feelings in the child later on.

  • Parents’ mental and physical health. These
    should be relevant only if they affect child rear-
    ing. Courts may also consider the child’s age
    and gender and any special needs the child may

  • Lifestyle and conduct of parents. These factors
    are considered only if they affect the child (e.g.,
    parents’ substance abuse, child’s exposure to
    secondhand smoke). Courts have moved away
    from considering parents’ sexual behavior, un-
    less it can be shown that a parent’s activities have
    a negative impact on the child. If neither parent
    is fit to have custody of the child the court may
    award custody to a third party (e.g., relatives or
    foster parents).

  • Parents’ ability to provide adequately for the
    child. Courts take into account each parent’s
    ability to provide such necessities as food, cloth-
    ing, and medical care.

  • Continuity with the primary caregiver, the other
    parent, and with home, schools, and communi-
    ty. To promote continuity, courts may favor the

parent who is more likely to allow the nonresi-
dential parent access to the child.

Critics point out that the best interests of the
child standard is so imprecise that it promotes con-
flict between divorcing parents and judicial bias and
arbitrariness in decision making. ‘‘Judicial discre-
tion’’ entitles judges to consider all, some, or none of
the factors, or they may weigh them according to their
own personal values and views.

The Number of Children in Custody

The exact number of children involved in custody
allocations is not known. Reporting is not uniform,
consistent, or comprehensive within and across states.
Based on figures from the National Center for Health
Statistics, at a divorce rate of 4.1 per 1,000 population
in the United States in 1999 (amounting to 1.1 mil-
lion divorces) and an average rate of 0.9 children per
divorce decree, approximately one million children
were affected by divorce. It should be noted, however,
that divorce data do not provide complete estimates
of the total number of children involved in custody al-
locations, because one out of three children in the
United States is born to unmarried parents. More in-
formative estimates stem from the reports of house-
hold living arrangements compiled by the U.S.
Bureau of the Census. The majority (85%) of children
who lived with a single parent in 1998 lived with their
mother. About 40 percent of these children lived with
mothers who had never been married.

Evaluation of Various Custody

Because of the great diversity of individual and
family characteristics it is not possible to make a gen-
eralization that one custody type is better for all chil-
dren or all parents. Nevertheless, when examining
research on child custody certain trends emerge.

Joint custody has the advantage of assuring the
child of continuing contact with both parents. It alle-
viates some of the burdens of parenting as parents get
time off for their own interests. The disadvantages of
joint custody include less stability for children, as they
must be shuttled between the parents, and problems
for parents who want to move to a different area. Per-
haps the most crucial consideration in deciding custo-
dy is that ongoing parental conflict is a primary
predictor of children’s maladjustment. Children who
continue to feel ‘‘caught in the middle’’ when parents
fight face particularly negative outcomes.


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