Child Development

(Frankie) #1



Laissez-faire is a French term meaning ‘‘to let people
do as they please.’’ Applied to parenting, the term re-
fers to a permissive style in which parents avoid pro-
viding guidance and discipline, make no demands for
maturity, and impose few controls on their child’s be-
havior. Permissive parents allow their children to
make their own decisions regarding matters such as
mealtimes, bedtimes, and watching television. Re-
search published in 1989 by Diana Baumrind found
that children of permissive parents tend to be impul-
sive, disobedient, rebellious, demanding, and depen-
dent on adults. As teens, many of these children had
poor self-control, poor school performance, and a
high rate of drug use. Baumrind found that the best
adjusted and most academically competent children
had authoritative parents who were neither too le-
nient nor too strict; these parents set reasonable lim-
its for their children, were warm and responsive, and
did not use harsh methods of punishment.


Baumrind, Diana. ‘‘Rearing Competent Children.’’ In William
Damon ed., Child Development Today and Tomorrow. San Fran-
cisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989.

Ann D. Murray


The Language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a hypo-
thetical brain mechanism that Noam Chomsky postu-
lated to explain human acquisition of the syntactic
structure of language. This mechanism endows chil-
dren with the capacity to derive the syntactic structure
and rules of their native language rapidly and accu-
rately from the impoverished input provided by adult
language users. The device is comprised of a finite set
of dimensions along which languages vary, which are
set at different levels for different languages on the
basis of language exposure. The LAD reflects Chom-
sky’s underlying assumption that many aspects of lan-
guage are universal (common to all languages and
cultures) and constrained by innate core knowledge
about language called Universal Grammar. This the-
oretical account of syntax acquisition contrasts sharp-
ly with the views of B. F. Skinner, Jean Piaget, and
other cognitive and social-learning theorists who em-
phasize the role of experience and general knowl-
edge and abilities in language acquisition.


Chomsky, Noam. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1965.

Laura L. Namy

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