Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Percentage of Children by Type of Care Arrangement for Children from Birth through 3rd Grade by Children and Family
Characteristics, 1995 and 1999

Type of nonparental care arrangement
Care in a homea
Parental care Total in Center-based
Characteristic only nonparental careb By a relative By a nonrelative programc
1995 1999 1995 1999 1995 1999 1995 1999 1995 1999
Total 49 46 51 54 20 23 15 14 23 27
Age/grade in school
Ages 0– 251495051232519171216
Ages 3–6, not yet 26 23 74 77 19 23 17 16 55 59
in kindergarten
Kindergarten 56 52 44 49 18 19 14 13 16 22
1st–3rd grade 62 57 38 43 18 21 10 9 13 18
Race and Hispanic origin
White, non-Hispanic 49 48 51 52 17 19 17 16 24 28
Black, non-Hispanic 40 34 60 66 31 35 10 11 27 35
Hispanicd 58 53 42 47 23 24 10 11 13 19
Other 49 42 51 58 22 29 11 12 25 29
Poverty status
Below poverty 56 50 44 50 23 27 9 10 18 23
At or above poverty 46 45 54 55 19 21 17 15 25 29
Mothers’s highest level of education e
Less than high school graduate 67 59 33 41 18 22 6 9 13 17
High school gradrate/GED 51 48 49 52 22 27 13 11 19 23
Vocational/technical 44 43 56 57 22 23 17 16 25 29
or some college
College graduate 40 43 60 57 14 15 22 17 34 34
Mother’s employment statuse
35 hours or more per 22 22 78 78 32 34 25 21 33 37
Less that 35 hours per 42 45 58 55 25 25 19 17 24 26
Looking for work 64 60 36 40 15 21 4 6 20 21
Not in the labor force 76 75 24 25 7 7 4 4 15 18
aRelative and nonrelative care can take place in either the child’s own home or another home.
bSome children participate in more than one type of nonparental care arrangement. Thus, details do not sum to the total percentage of children in nonparental care.
cCenter-based programs include day care centers, prekindergartens, Nursery schools, Head Start programs, and other early childhood education programs.
dPersons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
eChildren without a mother in the home are excluded from estimates of mother’s highest level of education and mother’s employment status.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Household Education Survey.

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