Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Bold page numbers indicate main
articles. Italics indicate tables and


Abortion, 1–3, 3
Abstract reasoning, 3
Accidents and injuries, 210
Acculturation of Hispanic Americans,
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS), 4–7, 6
patients, 6
prenatal development, 331–332
sexual behavior of adolescents, 360
Acting out, 7
See also Aggression; Anger
Activity level, 7
ADHD. See Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Adler, Alfred, 58, 153
Adolescence, 7–11, 10
child maltreatment, 79
cognitive development, 416
dating, 109–110
egocentrism, 375
emotional development, 135–136
employment, 137–140, 435–437
friendship, 157
gender-role development, 164
grief, 115
identity development, 197–198
imaginary audience, 199–200
nutrition, 285, 285–286
parent-child relationships, 292–293
psychoanalytic theory, 415
sexual behavior, 360–361, 361
sexual orientation, 361–362
sleeping patterns, 371
social development, 380
social referencing, 302
stepfamilies, adjustments to, 387
stress, 389, 389–390
suicide, 396–397

Adolescence-limited (AL) pattern
(delinquency), 119
Adoption, 11–14, 13
critical/sensitive period for infant-
caregiver attachment, 103
nature-nurture controversy studies,
Adult Attachment Interview, 35
Aerobic fitness, 141
African American Vernacular English
(AAVE). See Black English
African-American children, 14–18,
After-school programs, 18, 234
divorce, coping with, 123
maturational events, 307
memory development, 258
mothers, 247–248
prenatal development, 332
substance abuse, 391–392
Aggression, 18–21, 20
friendships, effects on, 378
observational learning, 239
social development, 378–379
television viewing, 407
Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC), 432–433
AIDS and HIV. See Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Ainsworth, Mary Dinsmore Salter,
21–23, 22, 411–412
Alcohol use, 331, 392
Alindi, Beverly, 6
Alternate birth centers, 54
Altruism, 23
American Sign Language (ASL), 23,
177–180, 366
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
Amniocentesis, 23–24, 320
See also Prenatal development
Androgyny, 24
See also Gender-role development
Anger, 24–25, 134
See also Aggression
Anoxia, 332
Antidepressant medications, 313

Antisocial behavior, 25, 117–119
See also Acting out; Aggression
Anxiety disorders, 136, 263, 388
Apgar, Virginia, 25, 25–26
APGAR Scoring System, 25–26, 26, 27,
Apnea, 26
Aptitude-achievement discrepancy
(learning disabilities), 241
Arousal theory and television viewing,
Artificial insemination, 27
See also Reproductive technologies
Asian-American children, 27–30, 29
Asthma, 30–32, 31
Athletic programs, 142
Attachment, 32–37, 36, 65, 300–301, 301
Ainsworth and, 22, 411–412
Bowlby and, 64–65, 377
critical/sensitive period, 102–103
day care, 112
failure to thrive, 146, 147
infants, 209
temperament, 301, 411
working mothers, 439–440
See also Parent-child relationships
Attachment Q-sort, 35
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD), 37–40, 39, 261–262
Attention span, 40
Auditory system, 356
Authoritarian parenting style, 296
Authoritative parenting style, 296,
Autism, 40–43, 42, 264–265
facilitated communication, 145
measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
vaccine, 204
Autobiographical memory, 257–258
See also Memory
adolescent emotional development,
social development, 380

Babbling and early words, 45–47

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