Child Development

(Frankie) #1

‘‘Baby blues,’’ 312, 313
See also Postpartum depression
Bachman, Jerald, 436
Baillargeon, Renee, 89
Balanced Budget Act of 1997, 175–176,
Ballet, 142
Bandura, Albert, 47–48, 48, 238–239
Basal tears, 103
Baumrind, Diana, 296–297
Bayley, Nancy, 48–50, 49
Behavior analysis, 50, 369
Behavior genetic models, 414
Bell curve, 50
The Bell Curve (Herrnstein and Murray),
Biculturalism of Hispanic Americans,
Big Five dimensions (personality
development), 303–304, 304
Bilingual education, 50–51, 190
Binet, Alfred, 51, 51–52
Biological factors. See Genetics
Birth, 52–55, 53, 326–327
Birth defects, 55–58
causes, 57
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 152
teratogens, 330, 331, 412
Birth order and spacing, 58–60, 153–154
Birth rates amongst teenagers, 402, 403
Birthweight, 61–64, 62
Black English, 64
Blank slate theory (newborns). See
Tabula rasa
Blended families, 64
Blood pressure disorders, 332
Bluebond-Langner, Myra, 114
Body composition, 142
Body Mass Index (BMI), 287, 288
Body position (sense), 356
Book talk (reading), 343
Bowlby, John, 64–65
Ainsworth and, 21
attachment theory, 33, 102
gender-role development, 162–164
imaginary friends, 200
Klinefelter’s syndrome, 225
marijuana use, 393
physical growth, 307
puberty, 8–9, 337
sexual behavior, 360
social development, 378–379, 379
stepfamilies, adjustments to,
stress, 389, 390
substance abuse, 392
suicide, 398
working mothers, 438
The Brady Bunch, 387
Brain development, 65–68, 66, 67
early intervention programs, 130
infants, 206
injury, 213–214
McGraw and, 250–251
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(SIDS), 395

Brazelton, T. Berry, 68–69, 69
Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale
(BNAS), 69–70
Bronchodilators, 31
Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 70, 70–71
Bruner, Jerome, 71, 71–72
Bullying, 72
Burns, 214

Campaign for Family Leave Benefits,
Cardiorespiratory systems and Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS),
Careers and adolescent identity
development, 198–199
Caregivers and care giving, 118, 146,
See also Child care; Parent-child
Case studies (qualitative research),
Casey, Planned Parenthood v. (1992), 2
Cattell, James, 73–74, 74
Causal comparative research method,
Cephalocaudal principle (motor
development), 279
Cerebral cortex, 65–66
Cesarean delivery, 55, 74–76
Chess, Stella, 410, 412
Chicken pox vaccine, 203
Child abuse, 76–81, 79, 212, 427
Child and Adult Care Food Program,
Child care, 296
attachment theory, 35
working mothers, 440
Child custody, 81–84, 252, 254
Child custody and support, 81–84, 83
Child maltreatment, 76–81
See also Child abuse
Child neglect, 77
Child-parent relations. See Parent-child
Children with special health care needs,
84, 131–132
Children’s rights, 84
Chinese Americans, 28–29
See also Asian-American children
Chinese children, 412
Chomsky, Noam, 227
Chronic illness, 85
Chronological age, 85
Church membership of African
Americans, 16
Cigarette smoking, 392
prenatal development, 330–331
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(SIDS), 394
Circumcision, 85
Class size, 85–86
Classical conditioning, 86
Pavlov and, 235–236
Watson and, 236
See also Learning

Cleft lip/cleft palate, 56, 86
Clinical research method, 269–270
Cliques, 86–87
See also Friendship; Parenting
Cognitive development, 87–92, 88, 91
adolescence, 9
Binet and, 51
concrete operational thinking, 97
conservation, 98–99
day care, 111
emotional development, 135
exercise, 143
gender-role development, 163–164
infants, 208
milestones, 273–274, 274
Piaget and, 415–416
play, 310, 311
stages, 383
television viewing, 406–407
Cognitive style, 92–94
Cohort, 94
Collectivism in Asian-American
communities, 28
Columbine High School shootings, 1999,
115, 182–183
crying, 103–104
deaf children, 177–181
facilitated communication, 145
Comorbidity, 94–95
Complications of birth, 53, 55
Comprehension skills and television
viewing, 405–406
Computer literacy, 95
Computers, 95–97, 96
Concrete operational thinking, 88, 97,
98–99, 415–416
Conduct disorder (CD), 98, 262–263
See also Delinquency
Conflict in sibling relationships, 363,
Conformity, 98
Congenital deformities, 98
See also Developmental disabilities
Congenital rubella syndrome, 350
Conservation, 98–99
Constructive play, 311
See also Play
Contextualist Worldview, 416
Contraception, 99, 360
Cooperative learning, 99–100
Co-parenting, 100
Coping with divorce, 123–124
Corporal punishment, 100
See also Discipline
Correlational research method, 270
Court Appointed Special Advocate
(CASA) program, 100–101
Court cases
Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), 2
Roe v. Wade (1973), 2
Critical/sensitive periods (development),
Cross-sectional research studies, 271
Crying, 103–105, 104
Cued speech, 181


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