Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Cultural differences versus racial
differences, 341–342
Cultural-historical development theory,
416, 428–429


Dating, 107–110, 109
Day care, 110–113, 112
Deafness, 46–47, 177–181
Death, 113–116, 115
adolescents coping with, 115
injury, 212, 213, 214, 215
mothers, 248
Defense mechanisms, 117
Delinquency, 117–119, 118
juvenile, 221
Demand reduction (drugs), 392
Dendritic branches and brain
development, 66–67
Depression, 16, 136, 263–264, 264
See also Postpartum depression
Desensitization theory and aggressive
behavior, 19
Development, 119–120
prenatal care, 327
preschool programs, 334–335
sibling relationships, 363
stages, 382–385
theories, 413–417
toys, 239
See also Milestones of development
Developmental disabilities, 120
high risk infants, 186–188
injury, 213–214
See also Learning disabilities
Developmental norms, 120, 166
Developmental psychology and cognitive
development, 87–92
DeVos, Julie, 89
Dewey, John, 120–121, 121
Diabetes, 63
Diagnosis disclosure of AIDS/HIV, 4–5
Dialectical perspectives, 121–122
Dick-Read childbirth method, 53
Diet of mother and prenatal
development, 332
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP)
vaccine, 202
Disabled children, 336, 429
Disadvantaged youth, employment of,
Discipline, 17, 40, 122, 297
Discrepancy formula (learning
disabilities), 241
AIDS/HIV transmission, 4
failure to thrive, 146
prenatal development, 331–332
sickle cell anemia, 365–366
See also Rh disease; Tay-Sachs
Disease prevention
immunization, 201–204
Displacement theory and television
viewing, 406–407
Disruptive behavior disorders, 262–263

Divorce, 122–124
blended families, 64
mediation, 252–255, 254
Domestic violence, 124–127, 126, 212,
Down syndrome, 127–128
Dreaming, 371
Drug abuse. See Substance abuse
Dying children, 114–115
Dyslexia, 242
Dyssomnias, 371

Ear infections/Otitis media, 129, 230
Early intervention programs, 129–132,
high risk infants, 187–188
motor development, 281
Early language development, 45–47
Early maturation, 8–9
Early onset/persistent (EOP) pattern
(delinquency), 117–118
Eating disorders, 265
Ebonics. See Black English
deaf children, 179–181
Dewey and, 121
disabled children, 429
Hispanic Americans, 190
homelessness, 194
Locke and, 243–244
mainstreaming, 245
observational learning, 220
parents, 151, 299
social class, 373–374
See also Montessori Method
Egocentrism, 132, 375, 417–418
Electromagnetic radiation from
computer use, 96
Embryo development, 328–329
See also Prenatal development
Emotional development, 132–137, 135
fathers, impact of, 150
Ginott and, 167–168
infants, 208–209
milestones, 274, 274–275
moral development, 277
Emotional disorders, 136, 263–264
Emotional regulation and control
delinquent children, 118–119
fathers, impact of, 150
Emotional tears, 103
Emotional vulnerability of asthmatic
children, 32
Empathy, 134, 137
adolescence, 137–140, 139, 435–437
mothers, 437–440
parents, 298
Environmental factors
heredity, versus, 181–186
intelligence, 218
personality development, 302–303
prenatal development, 330
temperament, 411–412
teratogens, 330

twin studies, 420–422
Erikson, Erik, 140, 140–141
identity development, 197
psychoanalytic model, 415
psychosocial development theory,
383–385, 384, 435
Ethical guidelines for research, 141
Ethnic identity and adolescent identity
development, 199
Exercise, 141–143, 142, 326, 333
Experimental research method, 270
Explicit memory, 257
See also Memory
Extended families, 17
See also Families
Externalizing behavior disorders,
Extinction (classical conditioning), 236

Facilitated communication, 145
Failure to thrive, 145–148
Families, 293
ADHD, impact of, 40
Asian Americans, 28
characteristics leading to domestic
violence, 126
extended, 17
Hispanic Americans, 190
sibling relationships, 364–365
substance abuse, 393
types, 295
See also Blended families; Gay- and
lesbian-headed families; Single-
parent families
Family and Medical Leave Act, 294
Family day care, 111
Family size, 148
Fathers, 148–152, 151
fatherhood, 295
single-parent families, 367–368
stepfamilies, adjustments to,
See also Parent-child relationships
Fatigue, 333
Females. See Girls
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 152, 331
Fetal development. See Prenatal
Fetal erythroblastosis, 332–333
Fetal movement, 318
Fetal stage of development, 329
(cognitive style), 93
Fine motor development, 280, 281, 282
Firearms and juvenile homicide, 426
First Maternity and Infant Act, 418
Firstborn children, 59, 153–154, 154
Fixed ratio schedules (conditioning), 238
Flexibility and exercise, 141–142
Flooding (classical conditioning), 236
Fluid intake during pregnancy, 319
Flunking. See Retention
Folic acid and birth defect prevention,
Food service industry and adolescent
employment, 139

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