Child Development

(Frankie) #1

Food Stamp Program, 286
Forceps delivery birth, 55
Fragile X syndrome, 155
Fraternal twins. See Twin studies
Freud, Sigmund, 155–156, 156
attachment theory, 33
personality development, 408
psychoanalytic model, 414–415
Friendship, 10, 156–159, 158, 378
adolescence, 9–10
cliques, 86–87
personality development, 301–302
See also Peers


Games with rules play, 311
See also Play
Gangs, 426
Gay- and lesbian-headed families, 161
Gender-role development, 161–165, 163
Gender segregation of school-age
children, 164
General to specific development pattern
(motor development), 280
Generalization (classical conditioning),
Generation gap, 165
Genetic counseling, 165, 194
behavior, 414
environment, versus, 181–186
intelligence, 218
personality development, 303
racial and ethnic intelligence
factors, 340–341
social development, 377
temperament, 409, 411
twin studies, 420–422
Genotype, 166, 305–306
German measles, 350
Gesell, Arnold, 166, 166–167
maturation, 250
twin studies, 420
Gestation. See Pregnancy
Gifted children, 167
Ginott, Haim G., 167–168, 168
exercise, 143
gender-role development, 162–164
imaginary friends, 200
menarche, 260
menstrual cycle, 260
physical growth, 307
puberty, 8–9, 337
sexual behavior, 360
sexual violence, 361
social development, 378–379
stepfamilies, adjustments to,
stress coping methods, 390
substance abuse, 392
suicide, 398
Turner syndrome, 419
working mothers, 438
Government funding
early intervention programs, 132

Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), 205
nutrition assistance programs, 286
prenatal health care, 325–326
school vouchers, 353–354
sex education programs, 358
substance abuse prevention,
Title V (law), 418
welfare programs, 432–434
Women, Infants, and Children, 435
Government nutrition assistance
programs, 286
Grandparents, 168
Grief, 115, 115–116
Gross motor development, 280, 281, 282
Group play, 311
See also Play
Growth failure, 146
Growth patterns, 307
Growth rate, 168–169

Habituation-dishabituation response and
cognitive development theory, 89, 91
Haddon Matrix, 215–216, 216
Haemophilus influenzae type b (HIB)
vaccine, 203
Hall, Granville Stanley, 171–172, 172
Hand babbling by deaf infants, 46–47
Handedness, 172
Harlow, Harry, 173, 173
Head Start, 130–131, 173–174, 335
Health and health conditions
African Americans, 15
day care, 111
exercise, 141–143
mothers’ in relation to children’s,
See also Prenatal care
Health insurance, 174–176, 175
Healthy People (government program),
Healthy Start, 176–177
Hearing, 356
Hearing aids, 179
Hearing loss and deafness, 177–181, 179
Hearing tests, 178–179
Heart defects in newborns, 56
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke, 143
Hepatitis B vaccine, 203
environment, versus, 181–186, 183
twin studies, 420
See also Genetics
Herrnstein, Richard J., 340–341
High birthweight (HBW), 63
High risk infants, 186–188, 188
High/Scope Perry Preschool Study (early
intervention programs), 131
Hispanic children, 188–191, 191
Holidays of Hispanic Americans, 191
Home schooling, 191–194, 193
See also Schools and schooling
Home visiting programs and child
maltreatment prevention, 80

Homeless children, 194
See also Street children
Homework, 194
Homosexuality, 109, 161, 198
Hormones and aggression, 19
Human Genome Project, 194
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
See Acquired Immune Deficiency
Sydrome (AIDS)
Hyperactivity. See Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Hypothesis, 195

Identical twins. See Twin studies
Identity development, 197–199, 198
Erikson and, 140
gender-role development, 164
generation gap, 165
psychosocial development, 384–385
Illicit drug use, 392
See also Substance abuse
Imaginary audience, 199–200
Imaginary playmates, 200–201
Imitation, 238–239
Asian Americans, 28–30
Hispanic Americans, 189
Immunization, 201–204, 202, 203
rubella, 350
schedules, 202
statistics, 203
Implicit memory, 257
See also Memory
In vitro fertilization, 204–205
See also Reproductive technologies
Inclusion of special needs children, 336
See also Mainstreaming
adolescent employment, 138–139
day care spending, 111
effects on children, 315–317
See also Poverty
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA), 130, 205, 245, 267
Induced abortion. See Abortion
Inductive reasoning, 205
Infancy, 206–210, 207, 323
anger, 24
cognitive development, 89
crying, 104
deafness, 178, 180
emotional development, 133–134
gender-role development, 162
Healthy Start, 176–177
intelligence testing, 217
language development, 228,
229–230, 342
maltreatment of, 78–79
mortality, 210
motherese, 278–279
motor development, 279
nutrition, 284
parent-child relationships, 292
psychoanalytic theory, 414
reading, 342
resiliency, 346–347


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