Child Development

(Frankie) #1

sensorimotor period of
development, 383, 415
sleeping patterns, 370
social development, 377
touch stimulation, 355
working mothers, 439–440
See also High risk infants;
Premature infants
Infant-caregiver attachment. See
Infant-directed talk. See Motherese
Influence of peer groups, 157–158
Information-processing theories, 90–91
Inhalers (asthma), 31
Injuries, 210–217
death rates, 212, 214, 215
exercise, 143
prevention, 216
Instrumental conditioning, 237, 413
Intelligence, 153–154, 217–219
See also Gifted children
Intelligence testing, 217–218
Binet and, 51
Cattell and, 73
mental age, 260
mental retardation, 265–266
racial and ethnic differences,
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC), 431–432
Internalizing disorders, 263–264
Internet, 219
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for
postpartum depression, 313
Interval schedules (conditioning), 238
Intimacy and dating, 109
Intra-achievement discrepancy (learning
disabilities), 241
Intracognitive discrepancy (learning
disabilities), 241
Iron intake during pregnancy, 319
Irritant tears, 103


attachment theory research, 36–37
preschool programs, 335–336
Japanese Americans
immigration, 29
internment, 29–30
See also Asian-American children
Jobs of adolescents, 137–138, 139
Joint physical custody, 81, 82, 83
Just Community high schools, 278
Juvenile delinquency, 221
See also Delinquency
Juvenile homicide, 426


Kagan, Jerome, 409–410
Kessen, William, 223–225, 224
Klinefelter’s syndrome, 225
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 225–226, 226
moral development, 278
moral reasoning, 276–277, 375–376

Korean Americans, 29
See also Asian-American children

Labor (birth), 52–53
Laissez-faire parents, 227
See also Parenting
Lamaze childbirth method, 53
Language Acquisition Device (LAD), 227
Language assessment of deaf children,
Language delay, 231
Language development, 228–232
critical/sensitive periods, 101–102
deafness, 178–179
emotional development, 134–135
firstborn children, 153
play, 310
Latchkey children, 232–235, 233
Latin Americans. See Hispanic children
Lead poisoning, 235
Learning, 235–240, 239, 290
See also Education; Schools and
Learning disabilities, 240–243, 242
Leboyer childbirth method, 53–54
Legalization of abortion, 2
Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), 267
Balanced Budget Act of 1997,
175–176, 385–386
domestic violence, 127
Family and Medical Leave Act, 294
home schooling, 193
Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), 130, 205,
245, 267
learning disabilities, 240
Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Act, 433–434
Title V (law), 418
Title XXI (law), 175–176
Lesbian-headed families, 161
Leveling and sharpening (cognitive
style), 92–93
Life-stress research, 390–391
Literacy. See Reading
Locke, John, 243–244, 244
Long-term memory, 255–257
See also Memory
Longitudinal research studies, 271
Low birthweight (LBW), 61–63, 325

Macrosomia, 63
Mainstreaming, 245
Males. See Boys
Malnutrition, 147, 245–246
Marasmus, 246
Marijuana, 393
See also Substance abuse
Marriage and parenting styles, 299
Maslow, Abraham H., 246–247, 247
Massage therapy, 418

Mastery play, 311
See also Play
Maternal age, 247–248
Maternal health, 248–250
Maternal response to crying, 105
Maturation, 250, 306, 307
McCall, Robert, 408
McGraw, Myrtle Byram, 250–252, 251
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine,
Measles vaccine, 203
Mechanistic Worldview, 413–414
Mediation, 252–255, 254
Medicaid, 175–176, 325
Medical evaluations of maltreated
children, 79–80
ADHD, 39, 39–40
postpartum depression, 313
Meiosis, 255
Memory, 90–91, 255–260, 256
See also Cognitive development
Menarche, 260, 308
maturation, 307
nutritional deprivation, 308
Menstrual cycle, 260
Mental age, 260
Mental disorders, 261–265, 264
Mental health services
AIDS/HIV patients, 5, 6
children of divorced parents, 123
maltreated children, 80
rural children, 350–351
Mental retardation (MR), 265–268, 268
See also Down syndrome; Fragile X
Metacognition, 268–269
Methods of studying children, 269–271
Middle children, 59
Midwives, 54–55, 271–272
Milestones of development, 272–275,
273, 274
Minority adolescents
employment, 436–437
identity development, 199
See also Racial differences
Miscarriage, 275
Mitosis, 275
Modeling, 238–239
Monitoring by parents, 297
Monitoring the Future study, 392
Montessori, Maria, 276
Montessori Method, 275–276, 334
See also Education; Preschool
Moral behavior, 277–278
Moral development, 225–226, 276–278
Moral dilemmas, 278
Moral reasoning, 225–226, 375–376
Mortality rates
birthweight, 61
infants, 62
mothers, 248
premature infants, 323
Mother-child attachment. See
Attachment; Mothers and
motherhood; Parent-child

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