Child Development

(Frankie) #1

of the family as central to existence. In addition, the
value given toward preserving honor and harmony
may be common across Asian-American individuals.
These commonalities will be discussed before atten-
tion is turned to some of the differences present be-
tween the various Asian-American groups.

Valerie Pang and Li-Rong Cheng have called col-
lectivism ‘‘one of the most powerful values’’ found in
Asian-American communities (Pang and Cheng 1998,
p. 6). Collectivism is characterized by a value system
such that the group has more value than the individu-
als of which it is made. In this orientation, individuals
sacrifice their own goals for the greater good of the
community, and norms and traditions are empha-
sized. Virtually every Asian culture is collectivist in na-
ture, in contrast to the more individualistically
oriented American framework. This has special impli-
cations for Asian-American children, as they may in-
corporate both Asian and American value systems
into their own beliefs. This can be difficult for them
as they straddle both cultures. An example is the ex-
treme focus on independence as a positive quality in
Western value systems such as that in the United
States. An Asian-American child might allow his fami-
ly more of a role in decisions regarding career or mar-
riage and may thus be viewed in a negative light
because of ‘‘dependence’’ on his family. It is impor-
tant to understand that collectivist societies such as
those in Asian cultures may have different values and
priorities than those adhered to by Western societies.

Deep Familial Ties
The role of family as central is another common
tenet in most Asian cultures, and this familial devo-
tion is often seen in Asian-American children as well.
Brian Leung discusses these deep familial ties, noting
that Asian-American parents are often seen as sacri-
ficing their own needs for the needs of their children,
and in turn adult children are often expected to care
for their elderly parents. Also, respect for elder family
members is more common in Asian-American cul-
tures than in Western societies.

It is also important to note that not all Asian-
American families are at the same stage in their own
process of acculturation to the United States. Leung
divides these families into three potential groups: re-
cently arrived immigrant families, immigrant-
American families, and immigrant-descendant fami-
lies. Recently arrived immigrant families may
struggle with involvement in educational practices in
America because of differences in beliefs about the
educational system, language barriers, and employ-
ment demands. Immigrant-American families are
those that consist of parents born overseas and chil-

dren born in America, as well as entire families born
overseas that have lived in the United States for a sub-
stantial amount of time (twenty years or more). These
parents will most likely have more involvement in
their children’s education, as they are more accus-
tomed to the culture of America. Differences may
exist in opinions and values between parents and chil-
dren as their levels of acculturation may be at differ-
ent stages, and this can at times cause conflict in an
Asian-American family. Finally, American-born fami-
lies are those in which all members of the family are
American-born. These families may subscribe to
many Asian values but may practice them to a lesser

Preserving Honor and Harmony
A third major tenet shared by many Asian and
Asian-American cultures is the presence of behaviors
designed to ‘‘save face’’ or preserve honor and har-
mony. Saving face is important not only for oneself
but also for others with whom one might be interact-
ing, including groups outside of the ingroup. Dis-
agreements are usually avoided and maintaining a
polite and conscientious appearance is more impor-
tant than winning an argument. This approach must
be understood as appropriate in Asian-American chil-
dren, though it differs from Western viewpoints about
asserting oneself. Even children from American-born
Asian-American families may retain these types of be-
havior patterns, as they are central to the Asian value

Differences among Asian-American
There are, of course, many differences between
the various Asian-American cultures as well. On one
level, traditions and customs, language, and dress dif-
fer from group to group, while on another level, dif-
ferences exist in the immigration practices and
regulations of the different groups, as well as in his-
torical experiences. These differences may cause
Asian Americans to develop culturally in different

The Effect of Immigration Practices on Asian-
American Children
Chinese Americans are the Asian-American
group that has been in America the longest. Many
Chinese individuals immigrated to the United States
to find jobs and fortune in the early 1800s and were
welcomed at first because of the cheap labor they pro-
vided. Soon sentiments turned negative, however,
leading to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This act
prevented immigration from China and lead to dis-
criminatory practices in the United States, including
lack of access to certain legal rights and segregation.


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