Child Development

(Frankie) #1

titudes, and behaviors, including the presence of ju-
venile delinquency, mental illness, and success or
failure in marriage. Clearly, however, many people
are most interested in the various personality traits or
tendencies that accompany the different birth order
positions. Moreover, the literature is rather consistent
when it comes to identifying these characteristics, one
of the few areas where there is general agreement.

Birth Order Characteristics

In what order a child is born into a family is not
the only determinant of behavioral characteristics or
of future success or failure, but there is little doubt
that birth order may influence certain personality
traits. Listed below are various characteristics that
correspond to the main three birth order positions:
oldest/only, middle, and youngest. It is important to
remember that these are only tendencies and that en-
vironment, genetics, and parenting styles all play a
significant role in how children develop as individu-

Characteristics of Firstborn and Only
Firstborn and only children typically get a lot of
attention from their parents. Much of what they do is
recorded in baby books and little achievements are
celebrated as major events, so it is no wonder that
these children often develop an appreciation for suc-
cess and seek ways to acquire new skills. These chil-
dren are seldom allowed to be just kids. Parents tend
to be demanding of firstborn and only children,
which leads to high expectations and undue pressure.
Typical characteristics of firstborn and only children

  • Self-confidence

  • Perfectionism

  • Good organizational skills

  • High achievement goals

  • Scholarliness

  • Conservatism

  • A tendency to make lists

  • Good communication skills with adults

Characteristics of Middle Children
Research indicates that middle children seem to
be more relaxed and impartial than their older and
younger siblings. They sometimes feel ‘‘squeezed’’
and accordingly develop characteristics that help
them negotiate—and sometimes manipulate—their
place in the family environment. Because of their
ability to play diplomat and peacemaker, they appear
to have balanced personalities. Middle children tend
to be:

  • Flexible

    • Diplomatic

    • Independent

    • Balanced

    • Resourceful

    • Generous

    • The opposite of their oldest sibling

Characteristics of Youngest Children
As the ‘‘babies’’ of their families, youngest chil-
dren often do not get enough credit for their accom-
plishments. Consequently, they may rebel or simply
stop trying to please authority figures. Youngest chil-
dren typically acquire wonderful social skills because
of their interactions with older siblings. They are gen-
erally charming, playful, and sometimes a little ab-
sent-minded. Research seems to indicate that
youngest children tend to be attracted to vocations
that are people-oriented, such as sales and teaching.
Youngest children are inclined to be:

  • Risk takers

  • Outgoing

  • Creative

  • Funny and charming

  • Rebellious

  • Persistent

  • Lacking in self-discipline

The Importance of Spacing
While researchers do not always agree on how
spacing (the years between each birth) between sib-
lings influences personality and behavior, there is a
general belief that children have an easier adjustment
if siblings are not extremely close in age. Sibling rival-
ry does have a tendency to decrease as the age spread
increases, which may result in better-adjusted chil-
dren. Research indicates that this rivalry is at a peak
when there is two year’s difference between children.
Other variables such as parenting styles, gender, and
physical/mental characteristics of the child seem to
have more influence on behavioral outcomes than

While much of the research on birth order is con-
sidered useful, many psychologists are quick to point
out that it lacks strong scientific merit. One social psy-
chologist has even likened birth order theory to as-
trology because of its rather liberal and far-reaching
implementation. Another mentions that it is often a
way for people to deny responsibility for their behav-
ior. Judith Blake, author of Family Size and Achievement

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