Child Development

(Frankie) #1

corresponding page numbers for that topic. This
index is located in the back of the Encyclopedia.
There are also cross-reference terms at the end of
the entries. These terms refer to other articles that
contain information about the topic. For example, at
the end of “Attachment” there is a cross-reference to
Parent-Child Relationships.

Who Wrote This Encyclopedia?
The topics in this encyclopedia were selected and
organized by Neil J. Salkind and Lewis Margolis (edi-
tor and associate editor, respectively), with the help of
Mandy Goodnight. Neil J. Salkind is a professor of
Psychology and Research in Education at the
University of Kansas, while Lewis Margolis is a profes-
sor of Public Health at the University of North
Carolina in Chapel Hill. Mandy Goodnight is a prac-
ticing school psychologist in western Kansas.
All of the entries were written by leading experts
in their field or those who were under their supervi-
sion. Each author was asked to make a specific contri-
bution. The diversity and excellence of the contribu-
tors adds an unmistakable flavor of comprehensive-
ness and authority to the entries. Speaking for all of
the editors, it was a pleasure and an honor to have
such a distinguished group of scholars contribute to
the volume.

No book is ever the product of just editors and
contributors. Child Developmentis the result of the
hard work put forth by several people. First, we would
like to thank Elly Dickason, Publisher, and Jill Lectka,
Associate Publisher, at Macmillan for the opportunity
to undertake this project. Jill was especially helpful in
organizing the team that produced this volume.
Second, Shawn Beall was the project manager, and it
was because of her flawless organization skills, good
nature, and record keeping that we managed to track
289 different articles by almost as many authors. On a
daily basis, Shawn was there to answer questions,
remind authors of article due dates, and respond to
queries about format. We would also like to thank
imaging coordinator Dean Dauphinais, permissions
associate Julie Juengling, and senior art directors
Tracey Rowens and Cindy Baldwin for the page and
cover design. Additional thanks goes to managing edi-
tor Betz Des Chenes for the time and effort she con-
tributed to writing captions and “putting out fires.”
And finally, to our contributors we want to
express our heartfelt thanks. The quality and tone of
the writing is excellent, especially given the audience
to which this volume is addressed. With authors such
as these writing about, caring about, and working with
children and their families, there is hope for the
future and the role that children will play in building
a better world.
Neil J. Salkind
Lewis Margolis
August, 2001

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