Children\'s Mathematics
From these examples we can see that Catherine understands that various marks and ways of representing are used for different co ...
Theory Behaviourism Constructivism Social constructivism Socio-culturalism Theory based onwork of: Thorndike and Skinner Piaget ...
own pace through direct teaching and through carefully sequenced steps. Teachers emphasised the need to practise skills and chil ...
socially constructed continually challenges learners’ thinking and emphasises the personal meaning individuals make. Socio-cultu ...
Bakhtin focuses on different aspects of talk including the child’s ‘voice’ and the cen- trality of dialogue – this perspective o ...
Reading and using mathematical graphics In these literacy practices, written words, pictures, logos, numbers, advertisements, ch ...
The mathematical learning: beliefs within this family Everybody can write mathematics. The child’s own marks are accepted. The ...
Figure 2.6a Matt’s marks Figure 2.6b Matt several ‘drawings’ (Matt’s term) in which he explored marks made with circular action ...
The personal messages, comments about behaviour, the heart symbol and song, use of the term ‘spell’, reference to practice in th ...
MOTHER: So when you’re lost you tell him that. CHILD: Yeah. MOTHER: He’ll say, ‘now we’ll take you home to see your mum’. CHILD: ...
Mathematical learning: beliefs within this family Pauline knows that: her response is not always accepted her sibling gets it r ...
Socio-cultural contexts in Early Years settings When children move into an Early Years educational setting, they enter a differe ...
from the school rites and rituals dominated by the imperative of turning children into pupils’ (Anning, 2000, p. 12). Anning obs ...
and school settings. She asserts that ‘for many, the discontinuities are on children learning to be readers, writers and mathema ...
and ‘formal’ ways in educational contexts (Hughes, 1986). If we are unable to achieve this there will be a discontinuity between ...
(2004) see p. 7. There is, therefore, a very real and as yet largely unrealised potential for developing high levels of cognitiv ...
The cat from France likes to sing and dance but mycat likes to hide in boxes (Sutton, 1984, pp: 4 and 6). We have found that our ...
curriculum. What we need in education is the co-ordination of the two’ (Athey, 2002, p. 10). Skemp explains the functions of sch ...
cannot see it?’ This links with babies’ fascination with the ‘peek-a-boo’ game. In his observations Piaget saw that early schema ...
Bruce argues that schemas are ‘biologically pre-determined and socio-culturally influenced’ (Bruce, 1997, p. 73). In our experie ...
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