Children\'s Mathematics

(Ann) #1
and English (Kenner, 2004a and b; Kenner and Kress, 2003); Hebrew or Arabic and
English (Mor-Sommerfield, 2002); and Pahari or Urdu and English (Drury, 2000) and
is described by Mor-Sommerfield as a language mosaicthat ‘ultimately creates a
coherent (new) form’ (2002, p. 99). Such studies are revealing those ways in which
children combine aspects of both their first and second languages, allowing them to
engage in transformative thinking(Kenner, 2004a, p. 35) and to becomebi-literate.
Research on bi-literacy is demonstrating that young children draw on what they
understand of their first written language as they develop understanding of a second
written language. In a similar way in emergent writing, children gradually combine their
own informal marks and understanding with standard symbols and spellings as they
develop content. Our evidence is that young children also draw on their informal math-
ematical marks as they develop understanding of the standard written language of math-
ematics. There has been no equivalent term in mathematics for combining informal and
standard written symbols as in bi-literacy, which is why we use the term bi-numeracy
Deepening our understanding of bilingualism is, John-Steiner asserts, ‘effective,
additive, joyful and competent use of two or more languages – [and] is increasingly
important today for growing numbers of children ... [who] find themselves in alien
lands with little knowledge of the languages spoken around them’ (John-Steiner,
1985, p. 369). For many children mathematics can be an alien land.

Becoming bi-numerate

Using the cultural (symbolic) toolsof mathematical graphics (children’s own and
standard abstract symbols) allows what Rogoff (2003) ‘terms mutual bridging of
meaning’ that can only be acquired through interaction (see also pp. 22–3). In our
model (Figure 5.2) the gap that separates informal and formal mathematics is repre-
sented by the gulf between informal home and abstract school mathematics: this is
both wide and deep. This symbolises the extent of the difficulty that must exist for

Figure 5.2 Bridging the gap

Bridging the gap between home and school mathematics 79

Early childhood
education setting

Home and

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