representations. In this chapter we are therefore continuing to look carefully at chil-
dren’s marks and their meanings.
The fifth dimension: written calculations
For an overview of the development of children’s mathematical graphics, see Figure
7.13. (p. 131).
In analysing examples of children’s calculations a pattern of development
appeared which we have grouped into categories:
• Counting continuously
• Separating sets
• Exploring symbols
• Standard symbolic calculations with small numbers
• Calculations with larger numbers supported by jottings
Before they are ready to understand calculations, children represent quantities that are
counted. In their own written methods of calculations, there is great diversity in their
chosen approaches before they begin to explore standard calculations with small numbers.
Some children also re-visit a more familiar way of working, for example Harriet’s
drawings of people in Figure 9.13 and Alison’s use of iconic marks in Figure 9.11. By
the time they are calculating with larger numbers supported by jottings, children will have
developed a deep understanding of the abstract symbols and written methods and
can apply them in a wide range of novel contexts such as problem solving.
Representations of early operations
Beginning with counting
Before they begin formal schooling, research has shown that young children ‘have
some understanding of addition and subtraction with small numbers’ (Baroody, 1987,
p. 144). Carpenter and Moser (1984) found that young children first use counting
strategies to solve simple (oral and practical) word problems involving addition and
subtraction. They identified the following levels of strategies: counting all; counting
on from the first numbers; counting on from the larger number; using known facts
such as number bonds they know by heart and using derived number facts such as
doubles to calculate what they do not know (Thompson, 1995). Orton argues that
whilst schools focus on combining and separating sets as an introduction to addition
and subtraction, children’s preference for counting persists (Orton, 1992, p. 145).
Studies of 5-year olds’ calculation strategies have highlighted the range of proce-
dures the children used that they had not previously been taught (Carpenter and
Moser, 1984; Groen and Resnick, 1985). Such studies indicate that children ‘tend to
work towards more efficient strategies when given the opportunity to solve a variety
of problems’ (Nunes and Bryant, 1996, p. 60). Children do explore and use an ever-
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