Children\'s Mathematics

(Ann) #1
in a second language. These research findings support what we have found when
children learn their second (abstract) mathematical language. For the speaker, a
condition of code switching is that both speakers know the two languages used
(Cook, 2001). In children’s developing understanding of abstract mathematical
symbols, we repeatedly see examples of code switching as children switch between
different forms of mathematical graphics. The most significant switches occur when
they use either:

  • implicit symbols

  • their own symbols
    or when they begin to experiment with

  • standard symbols within their own mathematical graphics.

Exploring the role and appearance of symbols
Addition Subtraction

  • A ‘box’ or circle drawn around the
    calculation: children who do this
    appear to understand that each calcu-
    lation is separate and complete in
    itself (see for example William, Figure

    • Children may draw a box or circle
      around their calculation

  • Some children have begun to show
    the operation in three steps (the two
    amounts to be added and the total
    (see, for example, Peter, Figure 7.9b)

    • Most children show the operation in
      three steps

  • The use of implicit symbols (see for
    example Mary, Figure 7.9d)

    • The use of implicit symbols

  • Interestingly, whilst children at this
    stage often use icons to represent the
    amounts to be added, they generally
    use a numeral for their total (see for
    example Jack, Figure 7.7c)

    • Again, whilst children often use icons
      to represent the first two sets in the
      calculation, they use a numeral for the
      total (see for example Francesca and
      Jennifer, Figure 7.5)

  • The use of personal symbols, to
    represent ‘+’ or ‘=’ (see for example
    Jack, Figure 7.7c)

    • The use of personal symbols to
      represent ‘–’

  • Children choose a combination of
    icons and numerals (see for example
    Fred, Figure 7.8a)

    • Children choose a combination of
      icons and numerals

Features of this stage may include:

  • The use of ‘+’ but ‘=’ is implied rather
    than written. Children who do this
    appear to introduce the standard ‘=’
    symbol at a later stage

Features at this stage may include:

  • The use of either ‘-’ or ‘=’ are implied
    rather than written as the abstract
    symbol (see for example some children’s
    methods in Figure 7.5)

Understanding children’s developing calculations 121

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