Figure 10.4Assessment form, Amelie (see figure 10.3)
NNaammee::Jason Green Date: September 15 Age: 4 years 11 months.
CCoonntteexxtt::Whole-class assessment; ‘put down anything you know about numbers’.
WWhhaatt tthhee cchhiilldd ssaaiidd: Jason was eager to tell me his telephone number; his brother’s
age; his house number and his address. He was also interested in the features of some
numerals, ‘Nine is round and down’, ‘Eleven has two ones’ (this has also connec-
tions to his current schema, looking at parallel vertical lines).
WWhhaatt tthhee cchhiilldd ddiidd::Jason selected materials he wanted to use. He stuck on 17 stick-
ers, counted them and wrote ‘17’ beside the 17 stickers. He used the cut-out numer-
als to make his door number, 37. The two parallel vertical lines seemed to fascinate
him and he repeated these over and over again.
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