About the Authors ix
Acknowledgements xi
Foreword by John Matthews xiii
Foreword by Chris Athey xv
Preface xvii
11 WWhhoo ttaakkeess nnoottiiccee ooff cchhiillddrreenn’’ss oowwnn ‘‘wwrriitttteenn’’ mmaatthheemmaattiiccss?? 11
- Children’s mathematical graphics 2
- International findings 3
- Studies that relate to mathematical literacy 9
- Enquiring into children’s mathematics 11
22 MMaakkiinngg mmaarrkkss,, mmaakkiinngg mmeeaanniinngg 1133
- Children making meaning with marks 13
- Different literacies: mathematical literacy 14
- Children represent their mathematical actions and understanding
on paper 14 - Learning theories 20
- Reading and using mathematical graphics 25
- Socio-cultural contexts in Early Years settings 31
- Teachers’ beliefs 32
- Creativity in mathematics 34
- Summary 34
33 MMaatthheemmaattiiccaall sscchheemmaass 3366
- What is a schema? 36
- Schemas and mathematics 40
- Schemas and mark-making 41
- Observing schemas in a school setting 44
- Mapping patterns of schema exploration 51
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