angry at someone else for drinking too much?
- Do you feel there is no one who understands your Yes No
If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, Al-Anon or Alateen may help. You can contact Al-Anon or
Alateen by looking in your local telephone directory. 5
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Are You an Eating Disorder Codependent?
Use this questionnaire from Fat Is a Family Affair to evaluate the extent of your involvement with an under- or
Do you force diets?
Do you threaten to leave due to weight?
Do you check on the diet?
Do you make promises based on pounds lost or gained?
Do you hide food from an overeater?
Do you worry incessantly about an undereater?
Have you "walked on eggshells" so as not to upset the over/undereater?
Do you throw food away so the overeater won't find it?
Have you excused the erratic, sometimes violent, mood swings resulting from sugar binges?
Do you change social activities so the overeater won't be tempted?
Do you manipulate budgets to control spending on food and clothing?
Do you purchase and promote eating the "right" foods?
Do you promote gyms, health spas, and miracle cures?
Do you break into emotional tirades when you catch the overeater bingeing?
Are you constantly disappointed when you see relapse?
Are you embarrassed by the over/undereater's appearance?
Do you falsely console the over/undereater when he or she is embarrassed?
Do you set up tests of willpower to test the over/undereater?
Have you lowered your expectations of what you might like?
Does your weight fluctuate with your loved one's (you up, he or she down)?
Have you stopped attending to your own grooming?
Do you have many aches and pains, and preoccupation with health?