On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

(Nora) #1

This leaves Marisa with an endless string of frustrating circumstances
shaping her life.
Across town, Chelsea’s mom and dad are working to integrate
Chelsea into the existing family structure. She is a welcome member of
the family, learning from the start that giving is equally as important as
receiving. What a joy she is to have around. Everyone comments on her
peace and joy. And why not? Chelsea understands she is a member of the
family team. She already has a sense of belonging and purpose for her
life. This we-ism approach teaches Chelsea to foster close and loving
relationships which endure the test of time.

Friendship and Conformity

Every responsible human being has acquired certain virtues useful in
getting along well with others. Topping the list are kindness, goodness,
gentleness, charity, honesty, honor, and respect for others. All are
reasonable and desirable tools for successful living. However, acquisition
of these traits is not a goal best left to chance. Parents must train these
attributes into the heart of their child.
Chelsea’s parents understand that virtues must be nurtured into her
tiny heart. The virtues are not inherent in her life or any new life.
Therefore, Chelsea’s parents must govern and monitor her until they are
assured she bears the self-control and moral awareness needed to govern
herself. Right from the start, freedoms come gradually. From the playpen
to the living room floor and then to the backyard, Chelsea’s boundaries
are expanded as she proves capable of handling them. Responsible
behavior and good judgment within a specific boundary earns Chelsea,
over time, yet another level of freedom. In this way, Chelsea achieves a
sense of affirmation within herself. Meanwhile those around her will find
joy in her presence, further enhancing her inner well-being.
Back at Marisa’s home, her mom and dad continue to strive for buddy
status. They yearn for friendship, elevating Marisa to the level of peer.
And what could be more noble than a family made up of friends? The
idea is especially appealing to a generation that has pondered the

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