reflex. There are two reasons for this. First, routine plays an important
part in proper let-down. Not only does the mind need a routine to
maintain order and efficiency, but the body does as well. The very nature
of inconsistent feeding wears on a woman’s body. A second reason is the
high confidence level of the mother who follows a routine. There is no
worrisome fear or anxiety for moms who know what happens next.
Mother is confident, and her confidence aids the successful working of
her let-down reflex.
Breast Milk and Baby’s Digestion
An empty stomach does not trigger the hunger drive. Efficient and
effective digestion and absorption of food does. This is where the various
food groups get broken down into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. After
the breakdown, the nutrition is assimilated into the body via the blood.
Absorption, which takes place primarily in the small intestine, is the
process by which broken-down food molecules pass through the intestinal
lining into the bloodstream. As absorption is accomplished, the blood-
sugar level drops, sending a signal to the hypothalamus gland. The red-
alert is triggered: baby now needs food. So it is blood sugar dropping, not
the empty tummy, which signals feeding time.
Breast milk is digested faster than formula, but that doesn’t justify
unlimited breast-feedings to try and play catch-up. Rather than
comparing breast milk to formula, it’s more useful to look at the amount
of breast milk consumed at each feeding. The AP style of demand-
feeding does not distinguish between snack time and mealtime. For these
mothers, a feeding is a feeding. The child who nurses frequently and
takes in fewer ounces, especially of foremilk, will naturally be hungry
more often. PDF moms look to deliver full meals at each feeding.
Proper Position for Nursing Your Baby
During the first few days of nursing, find a comfortable position for baby
and you. This may be a matter of personal preference or an eclectic