On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

(Nora) #1

weight) is normal and expected but should be regained in ten days. In his
practice, Dr. Bucknam recommends that babies be weighed at one week
and ten to fourteen days of life. If there is a problem, it will show up on
the scales. Catching it early is easy to correct and obviously much safer.
Weight gain, as well as three to five or more yellow stools daily for the
first month and five to seven wet diapers per day after the first week, are
good indicators that your baby is getting enough milk for healthy growth.
Please review the Healthy Baby Growth Charts in the back of the book.
Make sure you fill them out religiously.

Nursing Periods

Current wisdom governing the length of nursing periods for the first few
days is fairly consistent. We suggest the following:

The Very First Nursing Period

If possible, nurse your baby soon after birth. This will be sometime
within the first hour and a half when newborns usually are the most alert.
We suggest you strive for fifteen minutes per side or a minimum of ten
minutes per side. Remember to properly position the baby on the breast.
If your baby wants to nurse longer during this first feeding, allow him or
her to do so. In fact, with the first several feedings you can go as long as
the two of you are comfortable. Both breasts need to be stimulated at
each feeding, and the initial time frame mentioned above will allow for
sufficient breast stimulation.

The First Seven to Ten Days

There is only one Babywise feeding rule for the first two weeks. Mothers
and fathers should take their clocks, turn and face them against the wall.
We do not want you to look at the clock but rather focus on one thing.
Work on getting a FULL feeding from your baby at each feeding. That is
it. No snacking, full feedings. And while this approach might quickly fall

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