On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

(Nora) #1

down reflex. As a result, the baby receives the low-calorie foremilk but
not the high-calorie hindmilk.
2 . Improper sucking. This can result from a number of different

a.  Tongue  thrusting.  When    going   to  breast, sometimes   a   baby    thrusts
his or her tongue forward and pushes the nipple out of his or her

(^) b. Protruding tongue. This condition is described as the tongue
forming a hump in the mouth, interfering with successful
latching on.
(^) c. Tongue sucking. The infant suckles on his own tongue.

  1. An underlying medical problem. A weak or laborious suck (for
    example, one in which the child tires to the point of giving up after a few
    minutes of nursing) can be a symptom of cardiac or neurological failing.
    If you suspect this may be the case, don’t wait for your baby’s next
    scheduled checkup. Call your pediatrician immediately. There are many
    variables involved in successful breast-milk production and fortunately,
    your baby’s routine is a healthy one.

Getting the Necessary Help

Contacting a Lactation Consultant

Even with all the classes we take, the plans we make and books we read,
sometimes nursing just doesn’t go well. It can be very frustrating in those
first few days or weeks. There you are, holding a crying, wiggling, red-
faced (but cute) little bundle who can’t or won’t nurse, and all your
interventions seem of no avail.
You may need help from a lactation consultant. These are women
trained in helping mom’s with breast-feeding techniques. Your

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