chemistry experiments for children

(lily) #1

How to Use Filter Paper.Folda circle of filterpaperinhalfandthen into
quarters.Open it sothatit becomescone-shaped.Roughlytear off onecorner.
Place the filterpaperin a funnelandfill it with water. Let the water runthrough
until there is no air in the stem, thenstopthe flow withyourfinger. Now add
the liquid mixtureto be filtered. The presenceofliquidratherthanair in the
stemmakestheotherliquid,thatis, themixture,pourthroughmore quickly.

Siphoning. When you have to transfera liquidfrom onejarorbeakerto
anotherwithoutdisturbingtheliquidby tilting thejartopourfromit, you use
thetechniqueofsiphoning.Youneed twocontainers,ofcourse,and a long tube.
Use arubbertube which will bend easily, not a glass tube. Place thecontainers
on two different surfaces.Thecontainerto be filledshouldbe on a surface
lowerthanthebottomof thecontainerto beemptied.


Submergethe tube in theuppercontainersothatit iscompletelyfilled with
liquid. Keep one endofthe tubesubmergedand,holdingtheotherend closed,
lower itintotheemptycontainer.When you open thetube,the liquid will flow.

The StatisticalMethod. All this really means isthatthe more times you
repeata particularexperiment,thebetterbasis you will have forpredictingthe
result ofthatexperimentin the future. The first time you do an experiment,
youcannotreally tellwhetheryou would get the same result if you were to
repeatit. But, if you did the sameexperiment10 timesandgotthe same result
every time, you would then be fairly safe in predictingthatthatexperiment
willcontinuetoproducethe same result whenever it is done. Inotherwords, the
marginoferrorofyourpredictionwould go down themoretimes yourepeated
the experimentand got the same result. If, on the otherhand, you got 10
differentresults, yourmarginoferrorwould go up, and any predictionyou
mightmakewould be meaningless.
Professional scientists always use the statistical method. They know that
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