chemistry experiments for children

(lily) #1
Follow this procedure: Makea soap solution bysoakingsome soap in a
quartjarfilled with water. Thenpreparea datasheet similar to the one below,
and fill in theinformationas youperformtheexperiment:

Test Tube No. ContentsofTube
distilled water

tu be after each


  • dropsneeded to
    make suds

Set up the test tubes in the test tube rack and label them 1 to 6. As you do
theexperiment,add to the labels the namesofthe things you put into the test
tubes. Fill the tubes according to these directions: No.1, distilled water;
No.2,tapwater;No.3,water and 1teaspoonfulofcalciumbicarbonate;No.4,
same asNo.3;No.5,waterand1 teaspoonfulofmagnesiumsulfate;No.6,
same asNo.5.
With the eyedropper,add some soapsolution,dropbydrop,to test tube No.
1, shakingthe tube veryhardbetween drops.Counthow manydropsare needed
to make suds and recordthe number. To test tube No.2,add some soap
solutionin the samemannerandcountagain. To test tube No.3,add some
soapsolutionin the same way. Take test tubeNo.4from the rack and boil the
liquid over the alcohol flame. Add some soapsolutionafter it has cooled, and
countthedropsneeded to form suds. To test tubeNo.5add soapsolutiononly,
shake, countthe drops, and record the result. To test tubeNo.6add 1 tea-
spoonfulofsodiumtetraborateorpotassiumcarbonate,then add some soap

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