chemistry experiments for children

(lily) #1


Empirical method, 69
Emulsions, 44, 51
Endothermic, 64
Equations, 8, 9-10
Equipment, laboratory, 12-19
Everyday things, chemistry of, 85-93
Exothermic, 64
Eye-dropper,using, 24

Filteringwater, 36, 38
Filter paper, using, 25
Fire, chemistry of, 62-68
discovering elements of flame, 63
making charcoal, 68
making coal, 66
showing that fires need air, 65
Fireextinguisher, making, 32
Fire-polishingglass, 21
Flame.SeeFire, chemistry of
Fluids. See Liquids and Gases
Formulas, 7
Fuel, 63, 66

Gases, 29
Gauzepad, making, 16
bending, 21-22
fire-polishing, 21
stretching, 22
Glass tubing, cutting, 21
Gravel, 38

Hardwater, 93
Holder, test tube, 15
Homogenization, 46
Hydration, 56, 57, 58
Hydrocarbons,organic, 63, 65
Hydrogenperoxide, 75
Hydrolysis, 74
Hydroxyl radical, 69

Indicators, 70, 71
Indigo, 89

setting up, 12-19
techniques, 20-28

Language of chemistry, 7-11
Light, science of.SeeOptics
Light-sensitive paper,making, 77
measuring, 24
mixing with otherliquids, 45
mixing with solids, 44
pouring, 24
Litmus paper. SeeIndicators

Membranes, 54, 55, 60
Miscible, 46
Mixture, 29
Molecules, 7

definition, 83
making, 81
printingpictures from, 83
Neutralization, 72
Non-miscible, 46

Optics, 74, 77, 78
Organichydrocarbons, 63, 65
Osmosis, 43, 53
Oxidation, 64
measuring, 30
nascent, 91

Peroxide, hydrogen, 74
Photography,chemistry of, 74-84
making a blueprint, 76
making light-sensitive paper, 77
making negatives, 81
making photographic plates, 79
making positive prints, 83
observing effect of sunlight on
hydrogenperoxide, 74
Photosynthesis, 30
Positive prints, making, 83
Powdered chemicals, handling, 22-23
Precipitates, 31
Precipitation. See Water vapor
Prefixes, 10, 11
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