Dominican Republic: Competitive Fund for Educational Innovations 231
Box 1. ECD Projects and Activities, Competitive
Fund for Educational Innovations, Initial Awards
- Establishment of toy libraries and training of 200 educators
- Local advocacy for children’s rights and early child develop-
ment and health - ECD training of parents in female-headed households
- Home visiting and training of parents and providers of ECD
services - Building ECD capacity at the community level
- Training of community health facilitators in setting up early
learning environments - Community arts project for children ages 3–5 years and
teachers - Promotion of community participation in early child
development - Education on strategies and practices of integrated care for
children ages 0–5 years - Intersectoral preschool, “ready to learn” program for children
ages 3–5 years and parents.
ferent regions across the country. Box 1 lists the types of projects and
activities being supported.
The World Bank provided US$1.0 million to support these first 10
projects. The sponsoring organizations will use this funding to lever-
age another US$0.5 million from participating organizations.
The World Bank has allocated US$7.0 million to support new proj-
ects over the next 4 years. In July 2006, the Ministry of Education is-
sued the second RFP. In late fall 2006, the World Bank distributed
US$1.0 million to fund this second round of awards.
The Competitive Fund for Educational Innovations is an initial expe-
rience for the Ministry of Education in funding privately delivered