World Bank Document

(Ann) #1

  • Stimulate National Policies and Plans.Heightened decisionmaking
    is needed to develop national educational plans and policies
    that emphasize early child development as the firststep in life-
    long learning and human development.

  • Encourage Innovative Initiatives.Incentives are needed to encour-
    age private (for-profit and not-for-profit) groups, civil society,
    and local government to develop and participate in innovative
    ECD initiatives.

  • Refocus Government Efforts.National governments should be en-
    couraged to refocus their efforts in early education—from deliv-
    ery of services to coordination, training, and evaluation—and to
    support noninstitutional (e.g., community-based, nonformal)
    and private sector ECD initiatives.

  • Provide a Mix of ECD Options.To reach all children, a mix of acces-
    sible and cost-effective ECD options must be ensured.

  • Conduct Research on Equity and Quality.Continued research is
    needed to assess the gaps in achieving equity in early child de-
    velopment and to ensure the quality of all ECD programs.

  • Monitor and Assess Outcomes.To enhance early child development
    and to strengthen interventions, ECD programs must be moni-
    tored and children’s outcomes must be evaluated. By adopting
    and systematically applying established outcome measures and
    well-designed and tested assessment tools, communities and
    countries can (a) assess the efficacy of national and community-
    based ECD interventions; (b) foster a “culture” of evidence-based
    decisionmaking in social policy; and (c) promote awareness of
    early child development and community development.
    Population-based measures of children’s outcomes are already
    used in several industrialized countries and can be systemati-
    cally adapted to settings in developing countries. Local and na-
    tional monitoring of early child development are essential for
    understanding the status of child development within a coun-
    try and for determining whether particular ECD initiatives and
    programs are improving a nation’s early child development.

12 Mary Eming Young

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