300 Index
Early Years Study, 35, 36, 78, 179, 180,
ECD.SeeEarly child development
Economic development
challenges of globalization, 33
ECD promotion rationale, 2, 3,
13, 29, 33–34, 37, 38, 39–40,
80–81, 100, 124–125, 258,
ECD return on investment, 3,
17–18, 38, 76, 80, 91, 239
human development, 255
population health and, 46–48
shortcomings of current
approaches, 17, 18–19
work force quality and, 19
child assessment at school entry,
ECD–human development
linkage, 254
parental educational attainment
and ECD outcomes, 116–117
premium, value of, 19
schooling for parents in ECD
program, 140
Step by Step Program approach,
See alsoAcademic
Preschool; Primary and
secondary schools
Elmira Prenatal/Early Infancy Project,
20, 101
Endowments and scholarships for
ECD, 22–30
family participation incentives,
for infants and toddlers, 27
program assessments for funding
approval, 26–27
resource needs, 25
Epigenetics, 49, 53, 255, 259
Epinephrine, 52
Equity/equality, 12, 39, 207, 211–212,
237, 257, 262–263, 264, 272
Europe, 98
European Union, 159, 163
Evaluation.SeeOutcomes of ECD
Experiences, childhood. SeeBrain
development, experience-based;
Early child development (ECD)
Fetal development, 48, 58–59
Friedman, Dana E., 37–38
Friedman, Thomas, 100
Funding and financing of ECD,
Brazil’s Millennium Fund for
Early Childhood, 7, 215–223
Competitive Fund for Educa-
tional Innovations, Dominican
Republic’s, 225–232
current shortcomings, 20
ECD rationale, 20, 256–258
endowments and scholarships for
at-risk families, 22–30
Indonesian ECD program,
innovation in, 216, 231–232,
241–242, 258, 263. See
especially Brazil, Dominican
Republic, Indonesia, and
Jamaica ECD programs
Jamaican ECD programs, 209–213
market-oriented approach, 23,
private sector rationale, 34, 36–37
tiered reimbursement for
child-care quality, 28–29
universal preschool, 28–29, 70,
74, 80, 117, 173, 208, 266, 271,
275–276, 283
World Bank ECD investment, 6
See alsoAt-risk children; Govern-
ment, role in ECD; Investment
in ECD programs; Private sector,
role in ECD
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 34
Gender differences
ECD program outcomes, 90
school readiness assessment, 196
Genetics, 48–49, 53, 55–57
Globalization, 1, 33