Going to scale, 3–10, 18, 167, 262,
263, 285–286
Government, role in ECD
as initiative for economic
development, 10
in Brazil, 219, 221
in Canada, 167–179
in Colombia, 131–152
in Indonesia, 226–248
in Jamaica, 205–213
innovative strategies, 12, 13
in Step by Step Program, 162
investment, 17, 23, 33–35, 38–40,
117, 121, 253, 258, 259, 284, 288
need for population assessments,
262, 263, 271, 273
research studies, 70, 167, 180, 270
Great Britain, 45, 60. See alsoUnited
Haiti, 157
Head Start, 20, 23, 28
Health, population
early child development and,
47–48, 57–60, 167–168, 254
literacy and, 66–67
population-based ECD
assessment, 263–265
school readiness and, 197
socioeconomic gradient, 46–47,
58, 70, 72
Heckman, James J., 38, 256–257
High/Scope Perry Preschool program,
20–21, 75–76, 87, 88–91, 92, 95–100,
causal model, 90–91
gender-specific effects, 90
goals, 88
lessons for program design,
outcomes, 75–76, 88–90
population characteristics, 87, 88
return on investment, 76, 91
socioeconomic outcomes, 90
study design, 88
Hippocampus, 51
Holland, 45–46. See alsoNetherlands
Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis,
51, 52
Immigrant populations, 67–68
Immune system, 53–55
Impact Evaluation Initiative, 9–10
Indonesia, 233–250, 258
block grants for ECD programs,
240–243, 244–248
challenges to improving early
childhood education, 236–237
benefit-cost of ECD programs,
current state of ECD efforts,
ECD goals, 237–239, 240
financing of ECD program,
future prospects, 248–249
human development index, 233
local administration of ECD
grants, 242–246, 247–248
new model for block grants,
Industrial Revolution, 45–46
Industrialized countries
ECD investment and funding in,
10, 13, 70, 73, 81, 263, 287
lessons for ECD program design,
87, 96–98, 263, 266
literacy in, 64, 67
population-based assessments in,
12, 254, 266, 273, 281, 287
socioeconomic gradients in, 46,
See also specific countryand Early
Development Instrument (EDI)
Infant Health and Development
Program, 74, 116–120
Integrated Child Development Project,
Bolivia’s, 260
Intelligence quotient (IQ), 75, 76, 109,
114, 116–120, 123, 189
Inter-American Development Bank, 70
International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational Achieve-
ment, 98
IEA Pre-Primary Study, 98
International Monetary Fund, 40
International Step-by-Step Association.
SeeStep by Step Program
Index 301