World Bank Document

(Ann) #1

research challenges, questions,
162–163, 180, 270, 285
to leverage ECD policy and
investment, 253–292
See alsoEarly Development
Instrument (EDI); Longitudinal
studies/interventions; Out-
comes of ECD programs
Mental health problems, 58, 59–62,
Mentoring, 23–24
Mexico, 8–9, 64
Michigan School Readiness Program,
21, 76, 87, 91–95
evaluation results, 93–94
lessons for program design,
study design, 92–93
population characteristics, 87,
Millennium Fund for Early
Childhood, Brazil’s, 7, 215–223
activities, 217–218
early results, 219–220
financing, 219, 220
future goals, 220
objectives, 217, 220
organizational structure and
functioning, 218–219
sponsors and supporters, 216,
219, 220–221
strategies, 217
Minnesota, 19
Mongolia, 157
Monoamine oxidase, 56–57
Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys,
Mustard, J. F., 35, 156, 257, 259–260,

National Longitudinal Survey of
Children and Youth, 170–173
Netherlands, 9, 197, 273. See also
Network of Soros Foundations, 155, 156
New Jersey, 21
New York state, 101
New Zealand, 72, 197, 273
Nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), role in ECD
Council for Early Child Develop-
ment, 35, 180–181

in Brazil, 216
in Colombia, 135–136, 146–147,
in Indonesia, 228, 230
in Jamaica, 211, 213
in Step by Step Program, 155,
in Turkey, national advocacy
campaign, 9
monitoring outcomes, 263
support, 4
North Carolina. SeeAbecedarian
Occipital cortex, 49
Offord, Dan, 183, 273
Oklahoma, 21–22
Ontario Child Health Study, 167–168
Open Society Institute, 155, 156
Organization for Economic Coopera-
tion and Development, 34, 64
Orphans and orphanages, 71–72, 81
Outcomes of ECD programs, 85–127
academic performance/
attainment, 75–76, 77, 88–90,
93–94, 121–122
accountability, 26–27
antisocial/criminal behavior,
61–62, 76, 90, 122–123, 124
assuring quality programs, 24,
98–99, 143
benefits for mothers, 114–115
challenges in evaluating, 260
cognitive functioning, 112–114
evaluation methodology, 88,
92–93, 96–97, 98–100, 109–111,
124, 142–145
future of assessment, 285–286
gender-specific effects, 90
health, 72–75, 167–168
key findings, 70–72
long-term, 28, 101, 120–123, 124,
167–173, 179–180, 261, 270,
market-oriented approach, 24
measurement rationale, 253–254,
261–263, 271, 285, 287
negative effects of institutional
care, 71–72
parental education and, 116–117

Index 303
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