World Bank Document

(Ann) #1
population-based assessment,
poverty effects, 97
process factors, 118–120
program director role in
monitoring, 95–96
recommendations for research,
12, 13
research rationale, 7, 9–10, 12,
13, 87, 95, 103, 179–180,
return on investment, 3, 17–18,
19–21, 28, 29, 38, 76, 81,
scholarship funding and, 26–27
socioeconomic benefits in
adulthood, 90, 97, 122
universal preschool vs. targeting
of at-risk children, 28–29, 117,

Parental involvement, 23–24, 37–38,
ECD enrollment incentives,
ECD outcomes, 120
limitations, 39
role of community mothers in
Colombian ECD program,
137–139, 141, 144
schooling for parents, 140
World Bank ECD programs, 5
Perry Preschool. SeeHigh/Scope Perry
Preschool program
Philippines’s Early Child Development
Project, 260
Pituitary gland, 52. See alsoLimbic–
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
Planning and implementation of ECD
appropriateness to setting, 184
assuring quality, 98–99
business sector role, 34–35
Indonesian block grant awards,
microlevel decisionmaking, 23, 24
Policy action
evidence-based decisionmaking
for, 12, 163, 254, 285

outcomes research to influence,
253–254, 270–271, 281, 287
private sector role, 34
See alsoGovernment, role in
ECD; Private sector, role in ECD
Poverty reduction
ECD promotion rationale, 2
Indonesian efforts, 233–234
Premature and low-birthweight
infants, 116–117
child readiness for. SeeReadiness
for school
economic outcomes, 3
in Indonesia, 235
Jamaican ECD programs,
later dropout risk and enrollment
in, 235–236
outcomes research, 73, 75–78
persistence of gains made in, 28,
101, 120, 123
rationale for early intervention,
27, 104–107
Step by Step Program initiatives,
universal vs. targeted programs,
28–29, 117, 271
See alsoAbecedarian project; Early
Childhood Longitudinal Study;
High/Scope Perry Preschool
program; IEA Pre-Primary
Study; Infant Health and Devel-
opment Program; Michigan
School Readiness Program;
Project CARE
Primary and secondary schools
persistence of preschool gains,
28, 101, 120, 123
preschool rationale, 104–105
Step by Step Program initiatives,
Private sector, role in ECD
in Brazil, 215, 219, 221
in Canada, 178
in Colombia, 135
in Dominican Republic, 227, 229
in Indonesia, 237, 240
in Jamaica, 8
in Turkey, 9

304 Index

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