investment, 34, 36–37, 40, 215,
participation and support, 12, 22,
24, 29, 89
policymaking, 34
Programs and interventions to
promote ECD
alternative and mix of options, 4,
causal relationships, 90–91, 261,
challenges, 4
characteristics of successful
programs, 5, 22, 28, 78–79,
97–98, 103–104
current state, 2, 10–11, 20, 23,
economic rationale, 2, 3, 13,
19–21, 33–34, 37, 39–40, 80–81,
100, 124–125, 256–257, 258,
ethical rationale, 38–39
home visit-based, 73–74, 79
in Canada, 35–38, 40
in Colombia, 131–154
in Indonesia, 234–249
in Jamaica, 205–213
integration with other services, 5,
238–239, 244
microlevel planning and
implementation, 23, 24
necessary near-term actions, 11–12
priority goals, 11
public health rationale, 264–265
scaling up, 3–10, 18, 167, 262,
263, 285–286
social benefits, 38–39, 79–80, 260
support for, 4, 5, 13, 78–79
targeting, 10
See alsoCompetitive Fund for
Educational Innovations,
Dominican Republic’s; Early
Childhood Longitudinal Study;
Funding and financing of ECD;
High/Scope Perry Preschool
program; IEA Pre-Primary
Study; Infant Health and Devel-
opment Program; Michigan
School Readiness Program;
Millennium Fund for Early
Childhood, Brazil’s; Outcomes
of ECD programs; Project CARE;
Step by Step Program
Project CARE, 116
Public awareness of ECD, promotion
of, 2–3, 5, 6–9, 11–12, 13, 180, 281,
282, 285
in Brazil, 217–218, 220
in Central and Eastern Europe,
156, 162
in Colombia, 141
in Indonesia, 236, 245
in Jamaica, 205
Randomized trials, 71, 74, 75–78, 124,
261.See alsoAbecedarian project;
High/Scope Perry Preschool program
Readiness for school
as development health indicator,
184, 266–268
as key indicator of long-term
outcomes, 104–105
assessment, 184, 268–269,
278–279.See alsoEarly
Development Instrument (EDI)
comparisons among groups, 196
definition, 278
domains, 185–187
optimal brain development and,
readiness to learn and, 267
socioeconomic status and, 272
uses of assessment data, 269–272
See also Michigan School
Readiness Program
Readiness to learn, 174, 175, 184, 267,
Romania, 71
Rural areas, access to ECD programs
in, 236
Scholarships.SeeEndowments and
scholarships for ECD
Sensory system, 49–50
Serotonergic function, 55–56, 57
Shonkoff, Jack P., 38–39
Socioeconomic status
Canadian population, 171–173
Index 305