306 Index
child vulnerability and, 192–194
ECD outcomes, 90, 97, 122, 272
ECD program enrollment and,
literacy and, 62–63, 65, 67–70
patterns, 70
readiness for school and, 272
return on investment of ECD
program and, 239
socioeconomic gradient in
health, 46–48, 58, 72
socioeconomic gradient of
vulnerability, 70, 176–177,
Soros, George, 156
Special education, 121–122
Step by Step Program, 155–166
core principles, 157
evaluation, 160–161
goal, 158
initiatives, 158–159
new strategic directions, 161–162
origins and achievements, 155,
partnerships, 159
research challenges, 162–163
sustainability, 159–160
Stress, neurophysiology of, 50, 51, 53
Substance abuse risk, 60
ECD program outcomes, 122–123
Sweden, 62, 64, 66
Teachers and training, in early child
evaluation of, 99
for quality programs, 22, 24, 29,
93, 97–98, 209, 210
in Brazil, 217–220
in Canada, 179
in Colombia, 136, 140, 141, 144,
146, 151
in Dominican Republic, 228, 231
in Indonesia, 238, 240, 242–247
in Jamaica, 206, 208, 210–211
in Step by Step Program,
156–159, 161, 163
in World Bank/government
programs, 5, 12
need for, 33
role/activities, 111–112, 170, 174,
262, 280
See alsoEarly Development
Instrument (EDI)
Trauma experiences, early child
development and, 3
Turkey, 9
Understanding the Early Years,
United Kingdom, 47, 59. See also Great
United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 8,
159, 162, 216, 228, 272–273,
277–278, 283, 284
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), 8, 68–69, 173–175,
216, 219
United States
Agency for International
Development, 159, 283
assessment tools, 100, 278
Department of Education, 64, 66,
population health, 66–67
population literacy, 64, 68, 81
poverty effects, 97
readiness for school in, 109,
270–271, 278–280
socioeconomic gradients data, 58
See also Abecedarian project;
High/Scope Perry Preschool
program; Early Development
Instrument (EDI)
van der Gaag, J., 254–255
Vulnerability. SeeAt-risk children
Work force
ECD promotion rationale, 13
economic development and, 19
globalization implications, 1, 33
World Bank
ECD programs and policies, 4–10,
225, 241
ECD symposia, 6–7
Millennium Fund for Early Child
Development, 11, 215–216