Foreword vii
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
The ECD Agenda: Closing the Gap 1
Mary Eming Young
I. Investment in ECD—Benefits for Society
and Children
Chapter 1 A Productive Investment: Early Child
Development 17
Rob Grunewald and Arthur Rolnick
Chapter 2 Early Child Development Is a Business
Imperative 33
Charlie Coffey
Chapter 3 Experience-based Brain Development:
Scientific Underpinnings of the Importance of
Early Child Development in a Global World 43
J. Fraser Mustard
II. Evaluating ECD Outcomes—Lessons from
Longitudinal Studies
Chapter 4 Outcomes of the High/Scope Perry Preschool
Study and Michigan School Readiness Program 87
Lawrence J. Schweinhart
Chapter 5 The Abecedarian Experience 103
Joseph Sparling, Craig T. Ramey, and Sharon L. Ramey