Follow this procedure:Place a layerofgravel or small pebblesaboutone
inch deep on thebottomofthetank. Over thisspreadabouthalfan inchof
sand. Then, over the sand,spreada thirdlayerofhumusor garden loamabout
one inch deep. '
Collect low-growing plants from the rich, moist soil in a thick forest or,
if you can'tget to a real forest, from any local area thatis thickly wooded.
These willprobablybe mosses, ferns andothersimpleplants. When you pick
a fern or mossplant,include some of its native soilarounditsroots. Ifyou
wrap eachplantlightly and carefully in waxpaper,it willnotdry up before
you are ready toplantit inyourterrarium.
Firmlytransplantor sod each little plantin the top loam layer. Water
yourterrarium generously sothat the water level isabouthalfway up the
gravel layer. Now, cover thetankwith the sheet of glass.
Place yourterrariuminpartiallight, never in direct sunlight. The glass
cover helps to keepmoisturein the tankbut if you see evidence of dryness,
addmorewaterfrom time to time.
Duringthe winter months, it is advisable to keep the tank under an
incandescentor fluorescent light bulb for severalhourseach day.
You will observe: Yourlow-growingforest plantswill thrive aslongas
they have a rich soil, sufficientmoistureand mild sunlight.
Bestofall, when you liftthe lid of yourterrarium,you will smell the
delicious fresh fragranceofa forest after rain.