(Jacob Rumans) #1

you have difficultysortingyour leaves into categories, you may want toconsult
a handbookonbotany.
After you havesortedthem, use stickycellophanetape toattacheachleaf
in itsproperplace in ascrapbookornotebook. It'sa good idea to use a loose-
leafnotebook,because you can add new specimens to eachgroupwhenever
you like.

The variety ofleaves on different types of trees istremendous. Some
trees bear simple leaves, with only one blade to a leaf stem. Among these are
oak, birch, maple, elm and sycamore. On theotherhand,the locust, the ash
and the horse chestnuthave compoundleaves, on which a single leaf stem
carries many leaf blades.
The general shape of a leaf is also a good means of classifying it. The
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