(Jacob Rumans) #1

Follow this procedure:Soak eight seeds in water overnight. Now you will
constructandplanta "tumblergarden." Line the insides ofbothjarswith a
piece ofblottingpapercut to fit. Fill the middle of eachjarwithcrumpled
towelling. Now,saturateboththeblottingpaperand the towelling with water.
pouroff the excess. Unless theblottingpaperis kept moist, your seeds will
not grow.
Push four soaked seeds between the glass and blottingpaperat the top
of each jar.

After the seedlings have grown an inch above the top of thejars,set one
"tumblergarden"on its side.
You will observe:The seeds willgerminate. In lessthana week they will
grow into baby plants with green leaves.
A few days after you have set onejaron its side, examine it. The little
seedlings will haveturnedon their stems sothatthey will be growingupward

Stems and leaves of plants tend to grow not only in the direction of the
light but alsoawayfrom the center of theearthand theforceofgravity. This
patternof growth has an interesting name. Itis callednegative geotropism,
meaning"awayfrom the force ofgravity."
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