(Jacob Rumans) #1
Materials: A naturalbath sponge, a few radish or mustardseeds, tap
water, string, a clothes hanger,a drinking glass, anindoorclothesline or a
suitablestandfrom which tosuspendthe sponge.
Follow this procedure: Soak seedsovernight at room temperature in a
glassofwater. Soak the sponge in water, too, and allow theexcesstodrain
off. Tie a stringaroundthe sponge and suspend it from something,perhaps
anindoorclothesline. Now, place seeds in the holes of the sponge.
This isyourgarden. Keep itsuspendedat roomtemperatureinmoderate
light (away from the direct light of a window).

You will observe:Ina few days each seed will begin to germinate. Roots
will be seen growingdownward,and leaf stems growingupwardfrom various
partsofthe sponge.

A seedcontainsanembryoand storedfood for the first stages ofgrowth
ofthe babyplant. Iftheembryohas the rightconditions,moderatewarmth
and moisture,it will begin to grow. The rootswill grow downwardtoward
thecenterofgravity (a"pulling"force in the center of theearth). The stems
and the new leaves will grow upward,away from the center of gravity and
towardthe light.
The babyplantuses the foodstoredin the seed until it has developed its
firstpairofgreen leaves. Withthese, it no longer has to rely onseed-stored
food. Nowit can manufactureits own. ~.
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