(Jacob Rumans) #1

You probablyrememberthata carrotis a taproot. Like the potato,it
containsa great deal ofstoredfood. The stems and leaves grow from the top,
feeding on thestoredfood as they develop.
You starteda narcissusfrom a bulb, but did you know thatan onion
anda garlic clove are bulbs, too? Each is actualIy a mass of fleshy leaves
surroundinga short, small stem. Each may grow small bulblets, and a new
plantmay result from each bulblet.
Afterrootsappearat the cut end of the stemofivy, philodendronor
geranium,you can plantthe"cutting" in humus. An entire newplantwill
develop. Fromone ivy,geranium,orphilodendronstem, you can have many.
This is calledpropagatinga plantwith acutting.

Materials:Seeds, adrinkingglass, tap water, a small flower pot, aplastic
bag (without ventilation holes), several paperclips.
Follow thisprocedure:Soakthe seeds in a glass of water for a day. Plant
or "sow"them inhumusin the flower pot. Soak the soilthoroughlyafter
you have put in the seeds.
Putthe pot in a plastic bag and fold over the open end several times.
Secure the foldedopeningwithpaperclips. Place the enclosed pot in a warm,
You will observe: In a week or ten days the first green leaves willappear.

Now place the pot, still enclosed in its bag, in the sun. Do not remove the
plastic bag for any reason, not even towatertheplant.
After the seedling isaboutthree inches high, remove the plastic bag and
water regularly. Keep the flower pot in the sunlight.
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