(Jacob Rumans) #1

The plastic bagpreventsmoisturefrom escaping. Thereisenoughair in
the bag to supportthe life ofthe germinating seeds. As it germinates the
plantuses and re-uses themoistureoriginallyprovidedit.
After the seedlings are established,aboutthree inches high, theplantis
ready tomanufactureits own food. Now it needs more carbondioxide and
morewaterthanwhen it wasgerminating.
The supply ofcarbon dioxide and ofmoisturewithin the plasticbag is
nolongerenoughtosupporttheplant'sactivities. The bagmustberemoved
and theplantexposed to air and sunlight.

Materials:Askyourflorist for two bulbs of the Venus flytrapplantand
enoughpeat orsphagnummoss in which to raise them.

Follow this procedure:Plantthe bulbs in a small fish bowl, anaquarium
or a largebrandysniftercontainingpeatmoss orsphagnummoss. Keep it in
sunlightbut away from extremetemperatures. Keep the mossmoist(butnot
soggy) allofthe time. Use rain wateror tapwaterthathas been allowed to
standfor a day or two. In warmweather,keep theplantnearan open window
oroutdoors. In cool weather,keep itindoorson a sunny window sill.
When the leaves are fully grown, "feed"them eithera small insect that
you havecapturedor a tiny piece of raw, chopped,lean meat.
You will observe:The leaves will snap shutwhen an insect or a pieceof
meatlands on them. Aftertheplantis finished"eating,"they will open slowly.

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