(Jacob Rumans) #1

Mostanimalsare much more complexthantheprotozoa. Moths,butter-
flies and frogsmaturein an unusualway; they passthroughseveraldistinct
stages ofdevelopmentbefore becomingwhat we considerfull-grown. The
spideris fascinating,too, for the many uses of his fragile web, as is the oyster,
which has the giftofproducinga gleaming pearl from a grain of sand.
You willstudya typical insect, the grasshopper. You will observe the
skeletal structureofa fish, you willlearnhow it is possible for a fluffy yellow
chick to develop from an egg. Youwill collect and arrangeyourown display
ofseaanimals and sea shells and you willinvestigate the mysterious little
firefly, who makes summer evenings so cheery by flashing his bluish light
As forequipment,you maywanttopurchaseanaquarium,if you do not
alreadyhave one, orperhapsa morespecialized typeofaquarium,a vivarium,
especially designed for raising turtles and similaranimals. But you already
havemostoftheequipmentyou will need for theadventuresdescribedin the

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