The grasshopperis a good example ofan insect, for it has all of the
characteristicsof this type of animal.
When you pick up a bug, you candeterminewhetherit is a true insect
if it has the followingcharacteristics:
- A hard, outerbody or shell-like covering which biologists call an
exo-skeleton (outside skeleton). This protects the soft inner parts ofthe
- Threeseparatebodypartscalled the head, thethorax,and theabdomen
- A pair ofantennaeat the topofthe head. Theseoperatein the way
thatradio antennae do. They receive messages of soundand motionand
guide theinsect'sflight.
- Three pairsofwalking legs. Insome insects, one pairoflegs will be
specially developed forjumping.
- Two pairsofwings.
Notall insects have wingsthatare well developedenoughto enable them
/ to fly. Some ants arenotequippedto fly. The"walkingstick,"which looks
/ like a twig when it isstandingstill,cannotfly.