(Jacob Rumans) #1
Place thethermometerbulbunderyour tongue. Keep yourmouthclosed
and leave thethermometerin place for at least a minute. '
Remove it and read yourtemperatureasindicatedby the stripofmercury
runningthroughthe tube.
You will observe:Ifyou are in good health, thethermometerwillindicate
a temperatureof 98.6°Fahrenheit. Itmay be a few tenthsofa degree above
or belownormalwithoutbeing a signalofillness. A"normal"temperature
may vary slightly among individuals.

Inwarm-blooded animals (mammals) each speciesmaintainsa normal,
average body temperature. The normal, average body temperatureofthe
humanbeing is 98.6° F.
Bodyheat isproducedin each cell when digested food combines with
oxygen in aburningprocess known asoxidation. Thisburningprocess makes
it possible for us to have the energy (heat is animportantform of energy) to
use our muscles and toperformall of the body activities necessary tomaintain
When you are ill, yourtemperaturesometimes rises above 98.6° F. This
indicates to thedoctorthatthere may be an invasionofgerms causing your
illness. The "soldiercells" and "antibodies"in your blood hastento try to
fight and kill these unwelcomeintruders. Extrabodyheatis producedbecause
the blood is working overtime in an emergencybattleto overcome the germs.

Follow this procedure: Observe the skinofyour arm on a summerday
afteryou have perspired. Rubyourfinger tip over it and taste lightly with the
tipofyour tongue.
You will observe:The skin will be moist withperspiration,whatmanyof
us call"sweat." This has a definite salty taste.

Like the lungsandthe kidneys, the skin serves as a waste-collecting and
waste-riddingorganof the body. Liquid wastes,includingwater, urea and
excess salts, arebroughtto the skin by thecirculatingblood,which picked up
these wastematerialsfromthe cellsofthe body.
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