isnotmeaningful. Thus,they are easier to learninproperorderthanthe
wordsin List A,butmoredifficultthanthe ones in List C.
The thirdlist(ListC) is really a sensible sentence. Its meaningties the
wordstogether,makingthemrelativelyeasy torememberevenafterthe first
reading. The scores forListC will behigh;some may beperfect.
Learninginschoolor from readingabookinvolves the sameprocesses.
Whenyoustudya vocabularylist, thewordswill be easier torememberifyou
makeup asentenceusing thewords.
Whenyoureadaparagraphin abookyou may comeacrossa wordthat
isunfamiliar. Youmay be able to guess the meaningofthe wordfromits
relationshipto the restoftheparagraphwith which you arefamiliar.