Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
Step 6
With all the holes drilled, dry fit (no glue)
the dowels into one side piece laying flat
on your workbench. Next, flip the other
side piece up onto the dowels and line
them up with the holes. This operation
extra hands you can find, even little
brothers could be of help here!

After all of the dowels are in place, carefully flip the storage unit upright
and check to make sure all the dowels are going into the holes all the
way and the storage unit is sitting flat without any wobble.

While the unit is standing, go ahead and
dry fit the feet onto the sides. There
should be three inches of overhang past
the side on each end. Measure this off
touches the side. This will quickly show
where to align the feet without
measuring again.
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