Things You’ll Need
Cut off box
4d finish nails
(2) ½” x 36” dowels
(1) 1 x 12 x 4’ (see text for
type of wood)
½” eye bolt
Safety glasses
We made our birdfeeder out of pine. Not a very good choice for outdoor
projects. But, we had pine around the shop and I hate going out and
spending more money on wood when I already have some lying around.
So, there are some choices for you to build your birdhouse out of. Like
us you can use pine if you already have it and plan on painting it or
applying two or three coat of an outdoor varnish like spar varnish.
Either one will protect the wood well. Or you can spend a little more
money and build it out of a wood that will stand up to the elements
without anything being applied to it. Two types of wood come to mind
that are common at home improvement warehouse stores: Cedar and
pressure treated lumber. God made cedar to withstand the elements for
project. Pressure treated lumber is usually southern yellow pine that has
been treated with a preservative to protect it from the elements. Both
will do the job well, however; cedar is a more attractive wood in my
opinion, it cuts easier, and to top it all off your shop will smell great as
you cut the cedar parts to size!
Here’s the cut list for the birdfeeder:
(2) ½” x 36” dowels (7) 1/2" x 6 3/4"
(1) 1/2" x 9"
(1)Top ¾”x11¼”x9¾”
(1) Bottom ¾’ x 11 ¼” x 9 ¾”
(2) Bottomof suet feeder ¾” x 5 ½” x 7”
(2) Ends for tray ¾” x 2 ½” x 9 ¾”
(2) Sides for tray ¾” x 2 ½” x 12 ¾”