Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
Use your pencil to
trace the outline of
the bottom piece onto
the top and then
remove it. Now all
the measurement in
fig. 1 and transfer
those to the top. The
area we just
transferred to the top
piece should now
look like the lines we
drew onto the bottom
piece of the suet

Step 4
We’re now ready to drill the holes for
the dowels to fit into. Again, the
intersection points of the lines are
where the holes go on the sides. For
the holes on each end just place an X
to show where to drill. On the top
piece one of the end holes needs to be
drilled all the way through for the
sliding dowel. All the rest of the holes
should be drilled 3/8” deep. Place a
piece of tape on your drill bit to show
where to stop drilling like you did in

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